Fighting Fantasy Resource Sites
The official site is now
Official Fighting Fantasy on Blogspot
There are a number of good gamebook and Fighting Fantasy groups on Facebook, for now I will just start by listing the group I watch mostly which is this one. You will have to request to join the group, but they are a friendly bunch and unless you are a rampaging Troll should have no difficulty joining 🙂
Online Fan-run magazine for Fighting Fantasy, beautifully illustrated with adventures, articles, downloads and news, written by a bunch of guys that know more about Fighting Fantasy than the average Orc (if you are a member of the FF Yahoo Groups you will probably recognise a few names 😉 ). The magazines themselves are available for download as PDF
Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks on Yahoo
The Yahoo community for serious FF fans, a hotbed of creative juices with frequent additions to their files section with adventures, stories and a big dollop of humour. One of the most active FF communities on the net.
Dedicated to evolving a comprehensive picture of Titan, the world on which most standard FF books take place, maps, history timelines, articles and some pretty impressive databases including the creatures and even the flora to be found in FF
Awesome site – Online amateur FF adventures ready to play (and more regularly being added), no sign-ups required, fully automated character maintenance, combat etc., clean interface – almost enough to make me pack this site in and go home! (just kidding of course 😉 ) My only problem with it is that they haven’t released their file formats/code for my grubby mitts to look at! If you don’t like this site you wont like any other FF site on the Net.
Ian Livingstone Website
Yep, he has a website all of his own. Find out more about Ian and what he is up to here.
Edit – he HAD a website of his own. We do not know what has happened to it but I’m leaving the placeholder here until we find out. (It used to be for those that are interested and may want to keep us updated).
The Black Tower has several well written adventures hosted on the site, as well as a selection of features and resources that may prove interesting to the FF enthusiast
Yaztromo’s Fighting Fantasy site
This link no longer exists, but I have left a space for it here as I’d love to know where this site has gone.
A BBC review of Fighting Fantasy
Hosted by the BBC this review of Fighting Fantasy is an in-depth article detailing the history of FF and is an ideal introduction for the novice to the genre (even if they do think it was a passing fad!)
A personal homepage dedicated to FF, mostly noteable for the mosaic of FF covers which must have taken some time to compile. Also a few solutions and scans of internal artwork as well as links to other sites.
Enkyn’s Eclectic Emporium – Fangs Finest
Take a while to browse the shelves and boxes of Enkyn’s, and you will find yourself sucked into a different world and before you know it time will have passed by faster than you believe. From Theology to Dragon Lore, Maps to Souvenirs, articles, items, books and scrolls abound – everytime you visit you will find something you hadn’t noticed before. A veritable treasure trove of exploration, with entertaining musings from the storekeep Enkyn himself. Just don’t ask for credit and he will be happy to show you around. Top Notch
Myriador – Fighting Fantasy D20
Anyone who enjoys gamebooks will most likely be a player of Role-Playing games, and the most well known of Role-Play systems is of course Dungeons & Dragons. D20 is the ‘public domain’ version of D&D, and the good people of Myriador, dedicated roleplay gamers and fans of the Fighting Fantasy series have created D20 versions of many of favourite FF adventures. If you are already a D&D fan, this is an essential site to investigate for your own gaming. If you have yet to take your gaming beyond gamebooks, I can think of no better introduction than to experience roleplaying in the realms you already know – the FF world of Titan. The site also has a variety of active forums with a fast growing community.
Fighting Fantasy has a Wikipedia entry. Check it out here.
There is a community Wikia page for Fighting Fantasy, with lots of resources for Fighting Fantasy fans (a Wikia is a more detailed and in-depth sort of Wikipedia)
Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks Online
Another site that is putting amateur adventures online to play interactively, 3 adventures coded at the time of writing this, hopefully more to come soon.
Oh ok, so you’ve been there seen it all and done it when it comes to Fighting Fantasy. But, have you got the T-Shirt? 🙂
Mark Lains Fighting Fantasy Blogspot page
Amateur author and administrator of several gamebook groups, Mark Lain runs his own blogging page on Fighting Fantasy here.
Jamie Fry’s
Indispensable for any collector out there, of any of the print runs of the series.
Mark Stonehams Fighting Fantasy Gamebook Companion
A handy little App for Apple iOS devices that helps you keep track of all your Fighting Fantasy statistics and inventory, as well as a combat calculator, luck tester etc. good for playing your paper books on the move with!
If you wish to submit a site for review, or are the owner of a reviewed site and wish to correct details of a particular review, or to report a dead link, please drop a note on the forums